11 am central time, Kathy Lawton Brown is having me on the radio to talk about my local performances and the launch of A4AC.org programs in St. Louis. . . .
Tag : Terry Barber
…that I’ve been selected to showcase at the Midwest Arts Conference 2016! As one of 15 tours chosen, this will help my agents at Cadenza On . . .
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! If you’ve heard that song by DNCE playing over and over on the radio, perhaps, like me you were wondering… Apparently, . . .
Who’s your hero? Today is the 10th anniversary of the passing of one of mine, my Grandfather, Michael T. Russo. He wasn’t just a hero to me, . . .
After she passed away, I was not sure how to go on artistically. She had been so supportive and involved with my career, coming to my debut performances . . .
In addition to following me HERE (click a logo) I want you to know that if you’re a user of one of these, I get PAID $ when you listen on here! . . .
This is my dad’s high school photo. Like me, my dad was a boy soprano. He didn’t choose the arts as a career, but he can still sing notes in . . .
My guilty pleasures are 1) Anything Sweet (besides cake and doughnuts). I have a serious sweet tooth. Especially for candy and ice cream! and 2) B-grade . . .
As this tour season wraps up, I am so thankful for YOU… All my friends, family, and fans that have been involved in so many ways. I’ve tried . . .
Thank you especially to Matthew Farmer, for everything you did to make the performance possible.